My show about Vitiligo in Los Angeles

My show about Vitiligo in Los Angeles
Chef Lauren Von Der Pool guest talking about diet !

Tortured Soul -Live House Music Band-and AWESOME!

Tortured Soul -Live House Music Band-and AWESOME!
Hangin with a few members from Tortured Soul!

AT top of Stone Mountain

AT top of Stone Mountain
GOtta always apply Solbar sunblock #50 to my face/body when I am outside in the sun , otherwise my face will burn and the white spots get real pink and will burn. I have no more pigment on my lips & now have to switchup my darn lipstick colors!! so annoying! lol

Me on top of Stone Mountain

Me on top of Stone Mountain
THis is one of my Southern USA oasis. THe hike to the top is beyond amazing!

Sisterfriend and I @ Park 52 Restaurant-Chicago

Sisterfriend and I @ Park 52 Restaurant-Chicago
Not afraid to show my white patches!! gotta be fearless

On Set- Santa Monica, CA

On Set- Santa Monica, CA
My talk show dedciated to people with Vitiligo

Brave and Beautiful Little One

Brave and Beautiful Little One
Vitiligo and Personality!! When I see this little princess, I am so inspired by her ! Pls teach your kids to respect and be kind to those that look different from them, for they are human and are still beautiful inspite of the differences!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Love unconditional-vitiligo or not!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
men are beautiful too with vitiligo!

Anotha beauty from the inside out!

Anotha beauty from the inside out!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

WHen you first see a person with Vitiligo on the face or hands , your first thought is...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Friends with VIt-Gotta love yourself no matter what and WE DO!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Reflection on this turning white process

I know you are viewing some of my old pics saying, "damn is that really her?" Yes it is! I have been told that I am a chameleon in looks and sometimes personality-lol I wanted to share these pics to one: Remind me of how I would like to look and two: how I would like to look and three, A reminder that a PERSONAL TRAINER AND ORGANIC CHEF is not far from being obtained!-LOL

As, I mentioned in the captions by the pics on the left column, when I moved to LA, because of the geography and climate of Atlanta and Chicago, my skin color was much lighter. So, when Landis applied makeup for my photo session it enhanced my light skin and now the Cali. sun has made me much darker as you can tell by the picture at the top.

It really is trippe to me, because the more the sun tans the pigment that is not yet affected by the Vitiligo, the more it makes the white spots more noticeable. And so I go through the day admiring my darker skin tone andTHEN reminding myself that it is totally temporary! Must admit I do go back and forth in my head of how I am going to look once this crazy process is complete and I am not loooking forward to it. BUt I love me as I am anyway cause I am not a boring person by anymeans!

My goal is to land a television contract as an Entertaiment/Reality Show Host now and by the time I turn completely white, I will be retired and fulfilled with my life. (at least that is the plan) As I have stated before, I will miss the bronzing of the sun on my skin and the radiant glow that my brown pigment exudes from my body! I am conditioning my mind and emotions to prepare to settle in to the new white skin that will take over one day.

Honestly, I won't like it but it is an opportunity to prepare myself and to truly appreciate and concentrate more on the person within! She is a Goddess and a love child who will always be the product of her roots, African, Dominican, French and Carob Indian. that's my Dad's birthplace in the West Indies where they speak a French dialect called, Pature (pat-twa).

Going to the Hollywood Bowl tonight for the Independence Day fireworks! Very patriotic but love the stars shining in the midnight spacious sky! Especially when you are sipping on a nice bottle of wine.


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